List of festivals
Guanyin’s birthday 19th of the second lunar month

Guanyin’s enlightenment

19th of the sixth lunar month
Guanyin’s renunciation 19th of the ninth lunar month

Sakyamuni’s birthday  

8th day of the fourth lunar month
Feast day of Wenshu (Manjusri) 4th day of the fourth lunar month
Feast day Puxian (Samantabhadra) 21st day of the second lunar month
Feast day of Matsu 23rd day of the third lunar month
Feast day of King Daffodil 10th day of the tenth lunar month
Feast day of Mother Zhusheng 20th day of the third lunar month
Feast day of King Wenchang 3rd day of the third lunar month
Feast day of King Guansheng 24th day of the sixth lunar month


Spring activities
Date Name Description of activity

Feb 15 (30th day of twelfth lunar month)

Ceremony marking last day of the lunar year The temple’s bell and drum are struck as prayers are said for the welfare of the nation. People often take their families here, with everybody wearing new clothes, to burn incense to the gods.

Feb 16 (1st day of the first lunar month)

Buddhist ceremony to mark first day of the new lunar year After the New Year’s Eve ceremony concludes, lanterns are lit throughout the temple to pray for good fortune.

Mar 02 (15th of first lunar month to 25th of second lunar month [Feb 19-Mar 19])

Lantern Festival Lantern display extended to one month this year to mark the 260th anniversary of the building of Lungshan Temple.